Bolstering decision-making with the AMR course
After the success of its first editions, the 4th AMR Course took place from November 6 to 10 at Les Pensières Center for Global Health.

A week to advocate for the value of the One Health approach to fight against antimicrobial resistance, and builds capacity for critical decision-making through education, partnerships and networks.
The course, organized with Université de Paris Cité, welcomed on this new edition 35 participants from 19 countries primarily from Africa and Asia and trained by 25 world renowned experts working on antimicrobial resistance.
Based on the objectives of the World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on AMR (WHO GAP AMR), the course aimed to reinforce the critical decision-making of experts in human and animal health and environmental protection. During plenary sessions, group workshops and debates, the participants were able to concretely address the WHO GAP AMR five objectives, from plan to action:
- The role of antibiotics and the current challenges: raising awareness and improving the understanding of antimicrobial resistance
- Building knowledge and improving evidence through monitoring and surveillance
- Interventions to tackle AMR
- Optimizing the use of antibiotics in human and animal health
- Policies, regulations, governance and economic arguments in favor of long-term global investment in the fight against AMR.
This year program included in-depth exploration of the WASH and infection, prevention and control (ipc) components and counted with major interventions from UNICEF, and workshops carried by WHO and FAO. The Mérieux Foundation had a key role in the program conceptualization and management.